-------- "Guardian
Ambassador" By Roland J. Stoller, Round Rock TX USA Copyrighted
03/2000 by Roland J. Stoller. This presentation uses the New King James
Bible. Bible verses are stored in guardian.htm and guardian.txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------- Dr. Ravi Zacharias' (Ravi Zacharias
International Ministries) "Slice of Infinity" and "On the Air" radio programs
carry the underlying theme: Let My People Think. Dr. Ravi Zarcharias expertly
and thoroughly forwards Christian apologetics and exposition of the Word
of the Holy God and our Christian Walk. I (Roland) would like to borrow
a little of his aura and delivery style and forward my underlying theme
of: let my people pray, let us each pray. Guardian ambassadorship is the
praying for God to place His shields of protection about and for God to
place His towers of discernment within our infants and young children.
The Holy God of the Old Testament mentions about guardianship: - guardians
carrying nursing infants and children in loving arms right next to their
chest, and - Achish making David a chief guardian. (Numbers 11:12 and 1
Samuel 28:2 respectively)(aa-kish) Please consider this parallel: Just
as New Testament Israel children were under the loving care of guardians
and stewards, so are our children, today, under the loving care of parents
and guardians. (Galatians 4:1-2) Reading Acts 19:35, consider this: If
the entire city of Ephesus (the nonChristian portion) was temple guardian
for their goddess Diana, surely we Christians can be guardian ambassador
for our children. Parents, relatives and friends can be guardian ambassador
for our children. The Holy God of the New Testament mentions ambassadorship:
We are Christ's ambassadors, to boldly make known the gospel. Let others
so account of us: as ministers of Christ, and as stewards of the mysteries
of God. (2 Corinthians 5:20, Ephesians 6:19 & 1 Corinthians 4:1) Let
others so account of us: as guardian ambassador - regularly praying for
our infants and small children. Notice the use of the singular: guardian
ambassador. Not calling for the formation of groups, clubs or gatherings.
Rather, calling for the formation of: individual presence of mind, individual
presence of purpose, individual presence of prayer. As guardian ambassador,
let us each pray for God to place His shields of protection about and for
God to place His towers of discernment within our infants and young children.
When do we each pray? How do we each pray? To Whom do we each pray? "Give
us this day, day by day, our daily bread" The Lord's Prayer can be used
as a how-to, a spiritual roadmap or a guidepost for prayer. "Give us this
day, day by day, our daily bread" indicates a daily prayer. (Matthew 6:9-13
& Luke 11:2-4, verses 11 and 3) "Give each of our children this day,
day by day, a shield of protection about and a tower of discernment within."
The Holy God of Israel records Goliath coming against young David with
a sword, a spear and a javelin. The Holy God of Israel records young David
coming against Goliath in the name of the Lord of Hosts. (1 Samuel 17:45)
Remember Who won the victory for whom against whom? In Whose name will
you go against today's Goliaths? Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
makes clear: angels constantly monitor our children and behold the face
of God the Father Who is in Heaven. Everything that is said and done concerning
our children is reported by these angels to God the Father Who is in Heaven.
(Matthew 18:10) Our Elder Brother, the Son of God, records His love and
concern for our children: He took infants and small children up into His
arms, He touched them, put His hands upon them and blessed them. (Mark
10:13-16 & Luke 18:15-17) Psalms 91:4 records: He (the Lord) shall
cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.
Matthew and Luke, concerning our Lord and Master, records almost exactly
word for word: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, one who kills the prophets and
stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children
together, as a hen gathers her brood (of chicks) under her wings, but you
were not willing!" (Matthew 23:37 & Luke 13:34) Can we (not) believe
that our Mighty God, our everlasting Father, Who sits at the right hand
of Abba Father, Who stands at the right hand of Abba Father, is still willing
to gather our infants and young children together, as a hen gathers her
young under her wings?(!?) Are we, inheritors of the New Jerusalem, willing
to believe? O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, our Everlasting Father shall place
His shields of protection about and shall place His towers of discernment
within our infants and young children! Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Faithful
and True, spoke of us having the faith of a mustard seed: a mountain moved
from here to there, a mulberry tree plucked up and cast into the sea, nothing
shall be impossible. (Note, this comes only by prayer and fasting.) (Matthew
17:20-21 & Luke 17:5-6) The Holy God of Jews and Gentiles had James,
a brother of Jesus, to point out: decisive prayer - calling for action
prayer - desire for results prayer - fervent prayer - - of a righteous
person - avails much! Old Testament Elijah earnestly prayed that it would
not rain, and for three and a half years, it rained not upon the land.
Elijah then earnestly prayed that it would rain, the earth produced its
fruit, for again it rained upon the land. (James 5:16-18; 1 Kings 17:1,
7 & 18:1, 41-45) The Holy God of Abraham and Eliezer caused to be recorded:
Abraham commanded Eliezer to find Isaac a wife. Eliezer immediately journeyed
to do precisely as commanded. Arriving in Mesopotamia, in the city of Nahor,
Eliezer prayed: "O LORD God of my master Abraham, please give me success
this day, and show kindness to my master Abraham. Behold, I stand here
by the well of water, and the daughters of the men of the city are coming
out to draw water. Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, 'Please
let down your pitcher that I may drink,' and she says, 'Drink, and I will
also give your camels a drink' -- let her be the one You have appointed
for Your servant Isaac. And by this I will know that You have shown kindness
to my master." And it happened, before he had finished speaking, behold,
a young lady...came out with her pitcher on her shoulder. Everything happened
exactly as Eliezer prayed for. (All of Genesis chapter 24; prayer from
verses 12-15)(elee/aa/zer) Along with praying, is there anything else we
can do? The Holy God of Moses, Zahaziel & Job thunders forth: You will
not need to fight this battle. Fear not, stand still and see the Salvation
of the Lord Which He shall accomplish for you today. For the enemy you
see today, you shall see again no more. Do not fear, do not be dismayed,
for the Lord is with you. Listen to this, O Job: Stand still and consider
the wondrous works of God. (Exodus 14:13, 2 Chronicles 20:17 & Job
37:14)(za/HA/ze-el) Stand still and witness our Holy God's placing His
shields of protection about and placing His towers of discernment within
our infants and young children. What basically can we pray for? Let us
each pray that our Mighty God becomes a stronghold, a fortress, a refuge,
a shelter, a high tower, a shield, and a deliverer - for our infants and
young children. (2 Samuel 22:3; Psalms 18:2, 28:7, 61:3, 91:4, 119:114
& 144:2) Perhaps someday, when our infants and young children become
older and wiser, each will wholeheartedly pray, as David of Israel did
wholeheartedly pray, as was recorded in the Book of Psalms: Oh most Holy
Mighty Majesty, become and continue to be my stronghold, my fortress, my
refuge, my shelter, my high tower, my shield, and my deliverer. Amen. (2
Samuel 22:3; Psalms 18:2, 28:7, 61:3, 91:4, 119:114 & 144:2) Perhaps
someday, when our infants and young children become older and wiser, and
become parents on their own, each will wholeheartedly pray to the Living
God: "Give each child this day, day by day, a shield of protection about
and a tower of discernment within." What specifically can we pray for?
(shields and towers) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Guardian Ambassador" By Roland J. Stoller, Round Rock TX USA Copyrighted
03/2000 by Roland J. Stoller (stoller@prismnet.com),
PO Box 931; Round Rock TX 78680-0931