Pat Gregory
Founder & President
Prophetic Fire Ministries Int'l (PFMI)
PO Box 276
Woodstock, AL 35188
Patricia Gregory
Updated June 2005
after 14 years of marriage, my husband abandoned me and our
daughters. I was devastated. It was almost more than I
could bear. Divorce was not acceptable in "traditional"
pentecostal organizations, so I was no longer permitted to
minister. Therefore, the call of God on my life was over, along
with my marriage. To say the least, satan had planned for my
destruction, and he just about succeeded.
My children and I moved back to NY (my home), and I began to start
over. I worked, cared for my children, and lived as I
pleased. After all, ministry was over, I was unusable material to
God, according to those in positions of authority. My life
consisted of everything but God, and everything I did (aside from
caring for my children) was motivated out of a broken heart, rejection,
and a feeling of no self worth....hopelessness. This was the
ultimate of many rejections I had experienced in my life.
Growing up, my father was a very violent, abusive alcoholic. My
mother, brother, and I were dominated and controlled by fear.
After numerous attempts to leave him, to no avail, she was successful
when I was 10 and my brother, 8. After their divorce, he left the
state and we had a reprieve from fear for the first time in my
I had always gone to church from the time I was a very little girl and
accepted Christ as my savior, but was so young, I didn't understand
what a savior was. But God kept me as His own all through the
coming years, unbeknownst to me.
After approximately 5 years of destructive living after my divorce, and
praying all the while that God would not take me while in this
condition, as I was convicted continually, my heavenly Father by His
great love and mercy, drew me back to Himself.
I married a wonderful christian man in 1989. He moved my
daughters and me to AL and a new chapter began. I attended a
Baptist church with him for 5 years, and even taught a mixed adult
class, which was unheard of, but it was offered to me, so I accepted
trying to appease the burning within my soul to minister. During
the latter part of this period, I began a pursuit to KNOW my
After about a 3 month period of pressing into the Lord, He flooded me
with His holy presence, enveloping me in the anointing and filling me
with sheer joy. He spoke many things to me that night about His
plan for my life. The most liberating thing of all that He spoke
to me was this: I have called you, and you are mine. Though man
has disqualified you, I have not. The call stands, and I will
hold you accountable for it.
Lord took me through what I refer to as "my wilderness" which lasted
for 5 years (training ground, Holy Ghost boot camp) and it was
glorious. Yes, there have been many trials and tests and
temptations along the way. My faith has been stretched at times
like a rubber band. I've been ignored, rejected, talked about,
persecuted, and even isolated at times, but I can truly say from the
depths of my heart, God was with me, comforting and loving me through
it. This was HIS PLAN. He sculpted this piece of clay into
a vessel to be used for His glory. These things were part of the
"process" and necessary for the "making" of the prophet, which included
character and motive adjustments, and tempering for the call, only this
time, He held my heart. This time, these things were not to
destroy me, but to build me up into a vessel of honor, and meet for the
Masters use (2 Tim 2:21)
I am no longer moved by man's thoughts or opinions, nor by the
"traditional" churches doctrines, guidelines and manmade rules. I
am moved by the Spirit of the living God, and I base my life on the
Word of God, as it is my final authority.
Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, Prophetic Fire Ministries
International (PFMI) was birthed in 2000, and our website went up in
2003. God has brought now 15 ministers to work with PFMI, 3 of
which are international. He has burst the doors open, and no man
can shut them. Praise His holy name!
I am now seeing the
manifestation of visions the Lord gave me over 25 years ago, which I
didn't fully understand back then. God is faithful! I've held
many visions and dreams, as well as words, in my heart for many years,
never letting go of them, in spite of what the circumstances screamed
at me, knowing somehow that, what He has promised, He will do.
What He has spoken, shall surely come to pass. What He has
revealed, He shall perform it.
Habakkuk 2:2-3....And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but in the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.
Glory, honor and praise to the Lord God forevermore. I adore Him! Our life IS hidden with Christ in God. Our destiny is secure in Him. What an awesome God we serve!
Rev 11:15....And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
we go forward in the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost and
destroy the yoke of bondage from hurting humanity with the power of
God's word out of our mouths. PROCLAIM BOLDLY!