I received the following word yesterday morning, and I submit it to
you all.
Hallelujah, God is going to glorify Himself in ways we've not seen
as yet.
Blessings and love in Christ,
The Spirit of Elijah Being Released
This morning while getting ready to run some errands, the Holy Spirit
speaking to me. He said, the day is upon you, upon my servants,
which has
been long awaited.
The physics of the day are at the forefront, deceiving and being deceived.
They flaunt their powers to the world claiming they know secret things,
hidden things. I declare they know nothing. They prophesy
lies to intrigue
and entice. They are ensnared by the words of their mouths.
They have risen
to a position of popularity in the world, cunning and crafty, snatching
into the grip of the enemy.
Just as it was in the days of Moses, my servant, when I sent him unto
Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's wizards and sorcerers put on display their falsehoods,
demonstrating trickery, professing to be wise, they became fools.
And just as it was in the days of Elijah, when I sent him to Ahab and
all the
false prophets rose to prominence at Jezebel's command, prophets of
prophesying lies, whose end was death.
My prophets were sent to confront the evil reign of their day, and destroy
by the power of my word. Mighty men of faith, trusting me with
their very
lives, in the face of opposition, they became bold in my strength.
Throughout the generations, evil has rose to great proportions, but
only for
a time, only for a season. Just as now, the magnitude of the
voice of the
evil one has gained in notoriety and is commonplace amongst the people.
Now shall I release unto my servants the spirit of Elijah. You
shall walk in
a greater level of anointing than you've known, a greater level of
power than
you've known, a greater level of authority than you've known, a greater
of discernment than you've know. Expect it! I have prepared
you for such a
time as this, and the time is now that it shall come forth upon my
and my servants.
Many of you are being sought out even now, just as in the days of old,
one hearing a word, and then tells, there is a prophet over there who
tell you the words of God. This is just the beginning.
Many shall come to
you seeking answers, seeking direction, seeking a word. Stay
ready and
expect it! I shall give you the words to speak. Declare
my words, prophesy
my words, shout them from the housetops.
It is confrontation time. It is time for my prophets, my servants
to rise to
the forefront, confronting the false prophets, the psychics, the witches
wizards. Do not back down and do not fear, for I am with you,
just as I was
with Moses and Elijah. I will not leave you, and I will show
forth my power
in even greater measure than that in days of old. You cannot
understand it's
magnitude, but I say unto you, receive it. Walk in faith, hearkening
to my
words, and allow me to demonstrate my greatness through you and before
I will confirm my words out of your mouths with signs and wonders the
has never known. The things I've placed in your hearts that you've
dreamed of, shall now come forth and you shall walk in it.
Just as I brought to nought the sorcerers and soothsayers, the wizards
false prophets, exposing their lies and the deceitfulness of their
hearts, so
shall I do again. The enemy was permitted for a time to flaunt
his lying
wonders, but only for a season and for a reason.
Now I shall flow through you, my prophets, with the spirit of Elijah
you, to demonstrate my power in the earth, with mighty manifestations,
and wonders eye hath not seen. Expect miracles! Expect
signs and wonders!
Expect the phenomenal! I say to you, expect it! I shall
plunder the enemy's
camp, and free my people from bondage, with a strong hand. I
will once again
show myself as the one and only true God, who loves His creation.
My church shall once again be a lighthouse to the hurting and broken,
bruised and beaten. They will hear that there's bread in the
house, and come
to eat and live. I will take the yoke of bondage from off their
necks, and
it shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
Seek me, press into me, hearkening to my every word, with diligence,
as a
soldier awaiting the call to launch out for war. I AM the Lord
your God, and
I say to you, rise up as mighty men of valor, and move out in the spirit
Elijah, for I release it unto you this day.
Blessings and love in Christ,