I have paid attention to what was going on in the United States economy from that time on. What I saw was a false economy and a sense of complacency as thinking I'm ok and your ok and tomorrow will even be better than today. I kept watching as companies would merger then layoff thousands this would happen over and over again. These were high paying jobs and the jobs that replaced them were nonessential low pay jobs. Inflation was creeping up unnoticed since 1972 with the first oil embargo. In 1968 I bought a new buick convertible and I was making $8 an hour as a union Plumber for $4200. and a new house for $11,000. Try and buy these same items for that amount in a upgrade neighborhood and see what you will have to pay. Has the majority of the peoples pay checks kept up with these items, certainly not. These items have more that quadrupled.
Another area to consider is the destruction from the storms that have been devastating this country for the last decade. Many people have lost every thing with out hope of recovering there loses, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, heat waves, frosts ect. These acts of nature as the world calls them are not only costing in the turms of monitory loses, but they are depleting the food supply as well. Each time there is a disaster the government has to help which is a drain on resources but on the tax payer that is now already under the guns. The cost of medical care because of the increase of diseases, and Crime and the cost of trials and incarcerating these individuals. You can go on and on how our resources are being wasted, but for believer's we have a inexhaustible supplier Jesus Christ. You as a father being evil can give good gifts unto your children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give freely to you His children.
I would like to finish this letter on a positive note. When the Lord spoke to me about my economy going up he was speaking this word to all of us that have forsaken all in order to follow in the the foot steps of Jesus, after all He gave His all for us when we were still running from Him. It's not difficult to obey someone you know that loves you with a unconditional and sacrificial love that know one can understand until they have truly met Him. This is not for those who lust after the things of this world like the unsaved do looking for security in there own strength. Our benefits are out of this world waiting for us to believe and receive from the "All Sufficient One" Matt.6 seek first the Kingdom of God, and your benefits will be added unto you Psalm 103:1-3. It says in the scripture ! Cor. 2:9-10. V9 "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. V10 But God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit; for the Holy Spirit searches all things, yea the deep things of God." And in this day of uncertainty we can rest in the arms of Jesus. Prov. 1 :33 "But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil."
Romans 15 : 13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and
peace as you trust in Him, so that you may over flow with hope by the power
of the Holy Spirit.
Your Brother in Christ, Ed Hintz
" Attention Addendum"-
I have recalled to memory a dream the Lord gave
me concerning the finances of the present and future ministries.
In the dream I was walking towards a row of new homes under construction.
I was a Plumber in construction of new buildings in Phila. Penna. and I
worked on some new homes that were row type. This is what I saw,
a row of homes that were incomplete showing only the basement which has
the garage opening to an alley way, and the first floor, but the second
and finale floor was not yet built. The interpetation of this is,
I was heading towards my ministry I had not arrived at it yet. I knew that
my ministy was in the basement (a ministry possibly obscure or under ground)
I was impressed that the finances of this ministy would be lean and that
it would be as Jesus said in Matthew 10 : 5-10. As I walked towards
the houses I said "the workman here before me made a lot of money but it
has changed, they will experiance leanness in fact they were not even working
there any more. End of interpetation. I know this is not going
to sit well with many infact I supposse it won't even be beleived, but
God forbid that I don't sound the trumpit when I see trouble coming.
I remain faithfull to you in Him. Edward J. Hintz
Here is a word that rings true, and those that can receive and do it it will be wise.
From the Holy Spirit
Given to Gaylene Womack
June 29, 2000
Third Day Visitation
Tuesday, June 27th (third day of the week) - The Lord led me to meditate on Exodus 19:10-25.
Wednesday morning I had received a prophecy, via email, with no headers or ident-ification numbers on it. Nothing!! It was sent only to me, no other names. It was from someone I don't have a clue to who they are and they used a pen name. It confirmed, in part, what I had been meditating in Exodus. Seemed like the Lord Himself sent the Word.
The Prophecy
Thursday, 3:48 a.m. the Holy Spirit woke me up
and told me the following. He[the Holy Spirit] also told me to get
up and look at the clock. Then He directed me to look up the meaning
of 3:48. 3 = divine providence; 4 = earth, creator; 8 = new
beginnings, new creation; the total of the three
numbers is 15 = rest,peace. This is only the second time the Lord
has given me numbers for the purpose of understanding. Please prayerfully
read the following:
Satan has seeded a false word amongst the church for the purpose of man not being prepared for what is really coming forth at this hour, this third day.
The false prophecy is "prosperity and power" and
coming as the latter reign. This word is true in part, it is not for the
overall church. For a prosperity of My Truth, not financial prosperity,
and anointing is coming forth but it is only for those that have sanctified
themselves and washed their clothes, that they may partake of My visitation.
Few there are that have done such a thing. There will be few that
will partake of this prosperity, that which comes from My Spirit.
Not material things, as such things many seek. Seek rather righteousness
and now I say, seek this diligently that this day does not pass with unrighteousness
found within your hearts. For as I told Moses to tell the people to sanctify
themselves and wash their clothes for the Lord shall come on the "third"
day. The "third" day is nigh upon thee and the "church" has not sanctified
themselves and washed their
clothes and will not partake of the "third day"
This visitation is only for those that have been separated unto Me and have dwelt in the wilderness and have been taught by My Spirit and not that of man. These are the virgins within the element of the church that I shall pour out My Spirit of the latter reign (Elisha double portion anointing) upon and they shall be hid (protected) in this the day that is upon you, My third day.
Many are called and few are chosen but because
of the false word sown within the church, you continued on your path of
degradation and immorality and have gathered up such treasures of defilement.
Look within your dwelling places and see what fills it. For where
your treasure is there is your heart. You have not separated from the world
and you still sit in the counsel of the ungodly. You listen not to
the quickening of My Spirit to bring you to repentance. For you must repent
in sackcloth and ashes (prayer and fasting), closing yourself in with Me
that I may search the very intents of your heart. I called many of
you but you did not heed my calling. You were too busy going here
and going there. Doing this and doing that. Party and play has been
the schedule of the day. You have not washed your clothes, separating
yourselves unto Me unto repentance and come forth out of the defilement
of the world and the possessions that dwell within your homes. Idols
stand within your walls.
This very thing alone testifies against
you. You have not lived on bread alone as some have in the wilderness alone
with Me.
A few willing hearts have come into the wilderness
through the beckoning of My Spirit and there they have dwelt for years,
being sanctified, washed and purified in My ways and My truth for two days.
Now the third day is nigh upon thee and you are not prepared, forsaking
all and coming to sit at My table. For they that have been in the
wilderness truly have partaken at My
table. These are the ones that My Spirit
will be poured out upon as the latter day reign, bringing unto Me the greater
harvest as a reward for their righteousness that they have sought in Me
and they have truly found. Vessels of honor they are unto Me. Their
lives bare witness of the suffering of My Son.
Repent I say and seek righteousness that you may
be hid (protected) in My coming judgment and that you may be arrayed with
My clothes for the battle that will rage, between light and dark, righteousness
and unrighteousness, and is nigh at the door.
I am now ready to send forth My disciples.
They have gone forth once without provision and now I will send them forth
with provision. For their hearts are not on silver and gold, but
on the true provision that comes from My throne.