September 21, 1999 10:55 AM
Apostles & Prophets
Dear Saints
Refer to my statement about the
proclaiming of the restoration of these afore mentioned offices.
(Referring to recent articles circulating in prophetic circles about Apostles
& Prophets) Question. If the church age is being phased
out and the Kingdom age is at hand, why should we be looking to the old
wine skins, when Jesus is bringing forth a new wine? I could have
started a church a long time ago and built a good reputation in the religious
realm and got in with these brothers that are in the prophetic web ring
(Instead),I chose by the grace
of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit to be set aside in a lonely place
so as to be set free from what ever would hinder my hearing and seeing
what was in the heart of our God. These brothers are saying the same thing
we are to an extent, but I believe they veer off when they try to revive
the old order. Consider what Paul said in Hebrews Chapter 5 about
the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. We are being made over into
the same image of Jesus with the sufferings to perfect us to minister to
The old will coexist along with
the new until the new is completely established and then the old will be
discarded. Example: II Samuel 3:1. I have been shown already
that I will be met with opposition for the things that I will say will
undermine a lot of present ministries doctrines. In 1995 I was prophesied
over and this is what was said. "You are a plowman and will plow straight
furrows and plant seed. The earth will welcome the plowman." I expect
I will plow across some one else's furrows and I don't think they will
be overjoyed with that.
There is also a word going forth
in the prophetic realm that there will be a change in leadership or the
passing of the baton to a new group of runners. These Saints will
represent Jesus with all offices of Eph. 4:11 functioning through
them. Some will say these are Wild Fires or loose canon balls.
When these called out ones come forth they will come forth in the image
of their Father Jesus being led by His Holy Spirit because they know His
voice and will obey Him. Consider Prov.30 : 27, "The locusts have
no king yet go they forth all of them by bands." Here we see the
Wisom of our God to create an insect with the ability to unite and even
with one purpose know their objective. How much more should we have
the ability to be united and with one heart and purpose (to do the will
of God) Because we can have direction from the king of kings who sits on
his Throne in the Heart of the Beleiver
A Dream
A dream I had a long time ago just
came to mind it has to do with what I have been saying. I was traveling
on a highway (walking) and I came upon two men. One was in a business
suit and holding a bible. I asked him did he know what direction we needed
to take to get to the Kingdom of God. (We were at a cross road)
He said he knew but some how I
had a inward knowing that he did not know. The other man was dressed
in a gray uniform (gray stands for rebellion) He had no understanding of
what I was talking about. So I continued on in the direction that
I knew was the way that I was to go. End of dream.
The suit and tie brother was
in the religious prophetic circles. The brother dressed in gray was
the rebellious religious church that has no understanding of what Jesus
is doing in this day. A lot of our brothers in the prophetic realm
are looking at things through the natural eyes and not with a spiritual
eye. They have not really entered into the full faith realm of living by
every word that Jesus speaks. This can and will be attained by these
brothers... by fire. I've said enough.
Your Brother in Christ E.
J. Hintz